International Day of Yoga: The year 2020 has been unprecedented for more than one reason. Since the beginning of this decade, the past six months have been strenuous in many parts of India, with novel coronavirus outbreaks, wildfires, grasshopper swarm attacks and cyclones. The epidemic has taught us the importance of immunity and healthy living. This year, the world will celebrate the fifth International Yoga Day on 21 June. Yoga Day has been celebrated since year 2015.

World Yoga Day was observed by Mr.Prime Minister Narendra Modi after his 2014 address to the United Nations General Assembly that it is proposed that one day of celebrating and practicing yoga should be dedicated worldwide. Yoga symbolizes the unity of mind and body, thought and action ... A holistic approach (which) is valuable for our health and well-being is.
Importance of World Yoga Day 2020

Yoga is not just about exercise, it is a way of discovering a sense of unity with oneself, with the world and with nature.

Celebrate International Day of Yoga Virtually this Weekend
International Day of Yoga 2020: Since ancient times, India has been known as the land of yoga, the yoga capital of the world (Rishikesh), and various other names related to yoga. Today, 21 June is celebrated as International Yoga Day in India and around the world. Now the whole world comes together to celebrate International Yoga Day.
Mr.Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday put up a video in relation to Yoga Day in which he encouraged people to use yoga as a multi-dimensional solution to the many health challenges posed by the Covid-19 epidemic. Therefore, the physical disturbances caused by the coronavirus pandemic should not dampen our spirits or affect our enthusiasm while watching the day.
The PM explained in the video that yoga helps reduce the stress created in day-to-day life.
Commenting on the COVID-19 pandemic, the PM stated that even during these times of being away, yoga is the one that ends the distance. Not only that, it also connects or connects things.
He further said that yoga eliminates the distance between mind and body and expectations and reality.
The PM Modi also said that once the coronovirus epidemic occurs, the focus will be on preventive health care, resulting in even more relevance and making this ancient practice more popular.
"We are marking this Yoga Day at an extraordinary time," PM Modi said, adding that Yoga Day is usually marked through public events and mass participation.
According to the Health Ministry, a message from Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be broadcast on electronic and digital platforms on 21 June on the occasion of Yoga Day. As mentioned by PM Modi, unlike previous occasions, there will be no mass gathering this year due to the risk of infectious COVID-19 infections.

Locally, Dayton's nonprofit Heartfulness Institute offers free meditation and yoga classes to individuals at a time to build world peace.

Hartley Dayton joined the Hindu Temple of Dayton, India Club of Dayton, Dayton Gujarati Samaj, Telugu Association of Dayton (Mata), and MVAPI (Indian Physician Association) for a virtual event on Saturday.

World renowned teacher Yogrishi Ramdev Baba will host a world meditation session by Yoga Performance and Heart Leader Kamlesh Patel (known as Dazi). Musicians Pandit Jasraj and Shankar Mahadevan have stirred the hearts of competitors with their performances.
The Heartfulness Organization leaders hope to create a sense of self-pity through programming, especially with all the anxiety and stress caused by the epidemic.
Local heartfelt preacher Uma Mullapudi said, "Once one's self-compassion is obtained with himself, one will obey others." "The craze of yoga and meditation begins with self-compassion, which becomes self-care."
How to join an online event
What: Unite the heart and compassion is contagious
When: Saturday, June 20, at 7 p.m. (Lasts 90 minutes).
How to participate: The event will be streamed live on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and other tasty channels.
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Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21 every year to highlight the importance of yoga and how it plays a role in overall fitness and health.
But do not feel lazy to practice yoga. Here are some lucid yoga poses:

Surya Namaskara, meaning sun salutations, is the sequence of postures in yoga. Surya Namaskar is an ancient yoga technique that traditionally takes place in the morning.
This can be also practised for peaceful mind and is important for reducing stress.

This is known as the Lotus in the Peacock Pose, Padma Mayurasan is a more advanced yoga asana which helps in better digestion and metabolism.
This asana also helps in balancing whole body and also provides strength to elbow,arms,neck,thighs and wrist.

This is also one of the lucid pose of triangulation and lateral coating - not only to help with problems like inflammation and back pain, but also to get rid of cellulite. i.e fat present under skin. The skin condition is harmless that can cause dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen.Weight loss and exercise can help you to remove the appearance of cellulite. Regular massage or laser will help you out to get rid of this.